- area
- award
- bishop
- campaign
- degree
- diocese
- finance
- French
- industry
- leadership
- murder
- plaque
- Premier
- Premier
- seat
- scholarship
- settlement
- settler
- shipyard
The information for this book was taken from the following sources:
- “Community Leaders of the Miramichi” by Carmel and John
- “Historical Sketches of the Miramichi” by Lois Martin.
- “The Prime Ministers of Canada” by Christopher Ondaatje
and Donald Swainson.
- The ATLANTIC INSIGHT magazine, Nov. 1987.
- MACLEAN’S magazine, Vol 100 No. 43, October 26, 1987.
- The MIRAMICHI LEADER, issues from Aug. 19, to Dec. 23 1987.
- The MIRAMICHI LEADERWEEKEND, Jan. 15, 1988, vol. 23
No. 10.
- The TELEGRAPH JOURNAL, Dec. 31, 1987.