
The information for this book came from several sources:

  1. “The Miramichi” — Wright, Esther Clark
  2. “Geographical Names of New Brunswick” — Rayburn, Alan
  3. “N. B., the story of our Province” — MacBeath, George & Chamberlain, Dorothy
  4. “Glimpses into New Brunswick History” — MacLeod, Carol
  5. “Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada” — McGee, Harold
  6. “The Northwest Miramlchi” — Arbuckle, Doreen Menzies
  7. “Ethnography of the Micmacs — English and French Years” — Paul, Chief Frank
  8. “New Brunswick — Its History and Its People” — Spray, William and Carole
  9. Dept. of Indian Affairs (Statistics Fredericton, N.B., Dec. 31, 1987)