a snowman

Our Side of the Mountain


I get in the mood to write songs about Christmas, family and friends.

Snow falling on the ground, people decorating all around and waiting for Santa Clause who is coming to town. Children so happy all around they even light up the town. Sleigh dashing through the snow everyone hollering “HO, HO, HO - giddy up go” dashing through the snow. Sleigh bells ringing as they go on their way. They think about Santa in his sleigh. So much to do in one night, he is hoping he’ll get it right. Everyone will be happy and joyful the next day and get what they want for Christmas. It is the night Jesus was born in a manger far away. Songs of joy filled the air. Mary knelt in prayer, giving thanks to the Lord above for her son and his love.

Ro dee o' doe - got to go!

Merry Christmas one and all!

Brian Thurbide