Reading Comprehension #14016

Practice Exercise 5 A



  • Scan the story quickly.
  • Read the story carefully.
  • Visualize the details.
  • Underline the “most important” facts or details.

King accompanied Mr. Halket on his rounds as a night watchman for Northern Pulp every night. As the mill was in a lonely place miles from the city, Mr. Halket enjoyed having the big Husky dog for company as well as protection.

One night two men tried to slip up to the mill while Mr. Halket was on duty. Even before the men came into sight, King ‘s sharp nose and ears told him someone was coming. He growled deep in his throat to warn the watchman. When the men came into sight, King stood ready to attack them on Mr. Halket ‘s signal.

Adapted from, Intermediate English Skills Development Series Book 3, 4B Making Inferences

Adult Basic Education