Reading Comprehension #14017

Sequence Transition words
Spatial order
(near to far)
on, in, above, below, beside, near
Chronological order
(first to last)
before, next, after, meanwhile, until
Logical order
(first step to last step)
first, second, third, next, lastly, finally
Specificity order
(general to specific)
in general, specifically, typically
Familiarity order
(known to unknown)
commonly, usually, infrequently, unusually
Comparative order
(alternating similarities)
on the other hand, on the contrary
Importance order
(least important to most important)
the main, the central, the basic, the least
Cause and effect order
(alternating cause and effect)
(all causes then all effects)
(one cause and related effect at a time)
because, since, consequently

Adult Basic Education