Reading Comprehension #14018

Tales and Tall Tales

Tales are similar to legends. Human characters encounter unique situations. Many tales have moral lessons that are stated directly or indirectly. Fairytales are included in this category of narratives. They often begin with phrases such as, “Once upon a time...”

Tall tales, like legends, have human characters performing super human acts. Tall tales are a more recent form of legend. They were developed in North America during rapid growth and settlement by immigrants. The stories entertained workers, and they were a unifying force showing people’s pride in their work and their nationalities. The characters are often presented as being much bigger than the average person. The characters or events of many tall tales are based on some fact.

The characters and events in tall tales typically take place in frontier North America and in lumber and mining camps. The character uses extraordinary skills or strength to overcome a challenge or problem. Some tall tales tell a single story, while other tall tales have been extended over a period of time. The same character is presented with new challenges to overcome in each adventure.

Adult Basic Education