Reading Comprehension #14018 |
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island l6th August, 1914 Here we are established in a hotel, which is about as uncomfortable in the matter of service as are the majority of Canadian hostelries. However, we have managed to get more whisky, for which one must be grateful in a ‘dry’ State. The tyranny of these liquor laws is really overpowering. It is a perfect insult to travellers that they should not be allowed to drink what is necessary to them because the inhabitants of any given place are afraid that, if tempted, they may exceed. Moreover the restrictions are quite ineffectiv, and only result in the pernicious habit of drinking between meals. The people who gulp down tumblers of iced water or cups of tannin essence (proper tea they seldom make in Canada) with their meat, often enough consume whisky or brandy before or after, when of course it is harmful. With the rest, this total abstinence seems to produce a certain flatness and tameness of mind as to tend to a strange lack of imagination. This may be fancy, but it strikes many besides myself I think that, for the most part, water-drinkers are dull dogs. 22nd June, 1916 Today is my birthday amidst all this crowd of strangers in which I take no interest and who take not interest in me - - except as a penny peep-show to some of them. Today I have definitely entered upon old age, for at sixty a man is old. Especially when he begins young as I did. Let me look round: of my early friends but two remain and one of these is broken-hearted. For me the world is largely peopled with dead; I walk among ghosts, especially at night. Well ere long I must join their company; ten years more the Psalm ist would give me, but with my weakened health I cannot expect as much, even should I escape accidents. My work, for the most part, lies behind me, rather poor stuff too - - yet I will say this: I have worked. My talent may be of copper not of gold - - how can I judge of my own abilities? - - but I have put it to the best use I could. My opportunities have not been many, and for the most part I have made them for myself the book writing, the agricultural research business, the public work for instance. Of course I might have done more in the last line by going into Parliament. But this really I have never been able to afford since, except in the case of Labour members, it has designedly been made to suit the rich alone. Especially has this been the policy of the Conservative Party which wants wealth and does not want ability. Also, it is scarcely a place for a self-respecting man who sets store by honesty of purpose and would call his soul his own, though the narrow party politician may find in it a congenial career. Therefore, such as I must remain mere hodman Peris, labouring and suffering without the Gate. |
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