Death of a Salesman (Excerpt)
by Arthur Miller
But you’re doing wonderful,
dear. You’re making seventy to a hundred dollars a week. |
But I gotta be at it ten,
twelve hours a day. Other men - - I don’t know-they do it
easier. I don’t know why - - I can’t stop myself - -
I talk too much. A man ought a come in with a few words. One thing
about Charley. He’s a man of few words, and they respect him.
You don’t talk too,
much, you’re just lively. |
(smiling). Well,
I figure, what the hell, life is short, a couple of jokes.
TO HIMSELF. I joke too much! (The smile goes.)
Why? You’re - - |
I’m fat. I’m
very - - foolish to look at, Linda. I didn’t tell you, but
Christmas time I happened to be calling on F.H. Stewarts, and a
salesman I know, as I was going in to see the buyer I heard him
say something about - - walrus. And I - - I cracked him right across
the face. I won’t take that. I simply will not take that.
But they do laugh at me. I know that. |
Darling... |
I gotta overcome it. I know
I gotta overcome it. I’m not dressing to advantage, maybe.