Reading Comprehension #14018

WILLY. Good night. And keep your pores open!
THE WOMAN. Oh, Willy!

The Woman bursts out laughing, and Linda‘s laughter blends in. The Woman disappears into the dark. Now the area at the kitchen table brightens. Linda is sitting where she was at the kitchen table, but now is mending a pair of her silk stockings.
LINDA. You are, Willy. The handsomest man. You’ve got no reason to feel that - -
WILLY. (coming out of the The Woman‘s dimming area and going over to Linda). I’ll make it all up to you, Linda, I’ll - -
LINDA. There’s nothing to make up, dear. You’re doing fine, better than - -
WILLY. (noticing her mending). What’s that?
LINDA. Just mending my stockings. They’re so expensive - -
WILLY. (angrily, taking them from her). I won’t have you mending stockings in this house! Now throw them out!

Linda puts the stockings in her pocket.
BERNARD. (entering on the run). Where is he? If he doesn’t study!
WILLY. (moving to the forestage, with great agitation). You’ll give him the answers!
BERNARD. I do, but I can’t on a Regents! That’s a state exam! They’re liable to arrest me!

Adult Basic Education