Reading Comprehension #14018

Introduction to the “Reading Process”

Reading is similar to writing in some ways. Both involve a process. The steps in the process are sometimes repeated. The reading process can be divided into three parts. There is a pre-reading process, a reading process, and a post-reading process.

For each part of the reading process, there are specific goals and strategies to be used. A study method called the “SQ3R Study Method” is very useful. The “SQ3R Study Method” has five steps. The first two steps, Survey and Question, are part of the pre-reading process. The Reading step goes is with the reading process. Finally, the Recite and Review steps are used during the post-reading process.

On the following pages, each step, its goals, and its strategies will be explained. To get ready to read these pages, look at the diagram on the next page. Read the title, sub-titles, and look at any pictures. Stop at the title “Basic Reading Comprehension Skills. Then, start back at the beginning of this section and read carefully.

Are you ready to read?

Adult Basic Education