Reading Comprehension #14018

How can phonics help?

Words are created by combining letters together in specific patterns. For example, all words have at least one vowel. Each letter is associated with a specific sound. Sometimes groups of letters are associated with a sound. Recognizing the repeating patterns and combinations of letters can help you guess at the pronunciation of a word.

Dictionaries often show you how to pronounce a word by dividing the word into syllables. Syllables are parts of a word, - one or more letters, which contains one vowel sound. The word has one vowel and it makes one vowel sound. The word “I” is a one syllable word. Words often have more than one vowel. The word bake, for example, has two vowels- “a”, “e”. However, the “e” is silent and makes no sound, therefore the word bake is also a one syllable word. How many syllables does the word forest have?


Say the word three times.

How many vowels are there? 2
How many vowel sounds are there? 2
The two syllables are divided by a dot for*est

There are six basic guidelines to dividing words into syllables. Although the guidelines are useful, there are always exceptions to the guidelines. Consult a good dictionary when in doubt. Look at the following tables.
means vowel. C means a consonant (a letter that is not a vowel). “r” means the letter “r”, while “le” means the letters “le”.

Adult Basic Education