Reading Comprehension #14018

How to read poetry

There are many types of poetry. Some forms of poetry are easier to read than others. You should follow the reading process. Most people will need to read a poem three or more times. Generally, poems are best read aloud. This is particularly important for poetry that relies on rhyme or rhythm to convey its message.

The first time you read a poem, you should read it to get a sense of its main idea. Next, you will want to read it to get a greater sense of the main idea, as well as to understand the form and techniques the poet used. Finally, you will want to read carefully to understand the details included in the poem, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the poet’s techniques.

As you read, highlight unfamiliar words or phrases. Look for the meanings of these words in a dictionary or an encyclopaedia. You will also want to do some research about the author and the period the writer was living in. Poets often use words with more than one meaning. It is worthwhile asking yourself whether other interpretations are available.

Look carefully for the figures of speech the author uses. Ask your self whether they are used effectively to create images or to express emotions. You will also want to discover the point of view the poem has been written from. This means who is speaking in the poem, and who is listening to the speaker. Ask yourself how the poet from this poem spoke and why he wrote it the way he did. What is the main idea?

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