Reading Comprehension #14019

What is reading?

Reading is one part of the communication process between a writer and a reader. The main goal during the reading process is to understand and to remember what you have. You get to try to answer the questions you created during the pre-reading process.

clipart graphic - person reading a newspaper

3. Read

What is reading?

Books have been written about the topic of reading. Here we will simply give a definition. Reading is the process of perceiving symbols, decoding symbols, obtaining meaning from symbols, and remembering the meaning. There are strategies that can be used for each part of the reading process.

You have spent a lot of time and energy learning how to perceive and to decode symbols. You have learned how each letter makes a sound, how sounds and letters are grouped to make words, how words are grouped to make parts of sentences, how parts of sentences are grouped to make sentences, and how sentences are grouped to make paragraphs. You have also learned to perceive and decode the meanings of other symbols, such as road signs. Some people encounter barriers to perceiving or decoding written symbols.

Adult Basic Education