Appendix 4:Sample Registration Form
Northern Adult Science Fair
Purpose: The Northern Adult Science Fair is intended to provide an opportunity
for adult learners in Northern Saskatchewan to create group science projects
to be used to develop learning materials for literacy programs interested
in scientific discovery.
Guidelines for science fair project:
- Group projects preferred to individual projects – 1 or 2 per group
- Projects need not be general science in nature but can also be social science research or
surveys. However, all must use the scientific method and process to develop.
- Participants agree the projects will be used to develop resources and materials that will be
made available to sustain and support future science fair projects.
- Projects to be adjudicated by a panel of three science instructors from the North
- Groups participating in the science fair agree to displaying their projects in various
venues in the North as well as on the College website
- Materials and resources, print and on–line, will be provided bythe College in a Northern
Adult Science Fair package including display materials and other materials requested by the
registered groups
Please confirm participation in the Northern Adult Science Fair by completing
the registration form below and submitting to:
Course Name:___________________________________________________________
Number of students in group: ________________ Level _________________________
Instructor Name:________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________ Fax ________________________________
email address:___________________________________________________________