Copyright © 1988
The Science Institute
of the Northwest Territories

Publication of
Science Alive!
was made possible
by grants from
Science Culture Canada,
Government of Canada

The Science Institute of the N. W. T. is a new organization with large responsibilities. It was created by the Legislative Assembly in 1984, with the task of ensuring that the people of the Territories obtain the maximum possible benefit from science and technology.

The Science Institute has six main objectives:

  • to foster a scientific community within the N.W.T. which recognizes and uses the traditional knowledge of northern aboriginal peoples.
  • to make available scientific knowledge which is of value to the people of the N. W. T.
  • to support or do research which will contribute to the social, cultural and economic prosperity of the people of the N. W. T.
  • to licence and coordinate research in accordance with the Scientists Act.
  • to provide sound and humane advice on scientific matters to the Legislative Assembly and the general public.
  • to encourage young people to take an active interest in science.

Science Institute of the NWT
Box 1617
Yellowknife, NWT
X1A 2P2