1. Geology
  2. Graphic Design
  3. Health
  4. History
  5. Language and linguistics
  6. Language arts
  7. Math
  8. Music
  9. Peace studies
  10. Philosophy
  11. Physics
  12. Science
  13. Sex education
  14. Social sciences
  15. Sociology
  16. Vocational
  17. Engineering and Technology

Other Internet Resources:

CHEMystery: an interactive guide to chemistry – a virtual textbook for high school level chemistry

ChemTeam: study resources for students in high school chemistry. All standard areas of chemistry at this level will eventually be covered.

Canadian Science Getaway – CSG: provides links to many Canadian science sites

Tyrannosaurus Rex at Eastend, Saskatchewan: Information about "Scotty" as well as links to other dinosaur – related sites on the Internet.

Physics New: Information about physics 12 as taught in B.C. with many excellent links to other physics and astronomy sites.