What's in our collection?

We have a wide range of materials in our general collection and special collections. This includes Books, Kits, Posters, Cassettes, and Videos. Our collection includes materials in the following areas: Fiction (Easy, Juvenile, Young Adult and Adult), Audio Cassettes (Adult and Juvenile Fiction and Nonfiction), Reference, Periodicals, Talking Books (CNIS), Classroom use Videos (Public Performance Rights), Photo Sets, Vertical files, Language tapes, Teacher Resource materials, Big Book sets and Literature Class sets.

Teacher Collection:

This special collection is designed to provide northern teachers with materials to support school programming.

The collection includes:

  • Professional development materials, methodology, and thematic units.
  • Picture and poster files
  • Big book sets
  • Big book & six small books & cassette
  • Class sets of novels (easy, juvenile and adult
  • most sets include 20 copies)
  • Curriculum guides

The Teacher Collection can be found on PNLS' online catalogue (http://www.lib.sk.ca/) and can be searched by author, title, Keyword, series and subject.

Educational Videos:

The educational videos are available for classroom use. PNLS has public viewing rights for all its videos (except children's Christmas videos) so that they may be shown to groups. The Video Collection can be found on PNLS' online catalogue (http://www.lib.sk.ca/) and can be searched by author, title, keyword, series and subject.

graphic of a video tape

Northern Saskatchewan Archives:

graphic of an eagle.

This special collection is extensive in its multi-cultural, native and northern content materials. These materials are in book, cassette, video, picture, poster or kit format. This collection can be found on PNLS' online catalogue (http://www.lib.sk.ca/) and can be searched by author, title, keyword, series and subject.