Direct Borrower
Registration Information

graphic: checkbox 
Yes! I'd like to become a direct
Borrower of Pahkisimon
Nuye?áh Library System!


Box Number:__________________

Town: _______________________

Postal Code: __________________

Phone Number:
(Home) ______________________
(Work) ______________________


If under the age of 12
Parent's/Guardian's Name:

Parent's/Guardian's Signature: ___________________________

Return this form to:

graphic: A picture of the library system logo.

Bag Service 6600
La Ronge, SK
S0J 1L0
Fax: (306) 525-4572
Free Books, Videos,
Posters and Magazines!

Huge Resources!

Costs Nothing to Join!

Free Shipping Right to Your Post Office Box!

What's the catch?

You have to return all of the material by the assigned due date.
Pahkisimon Nuye?áh
Library System


graphic: A picture of the library system logo.