Project Title: Opening Doors to Learning: A Justice Literacy Project
Start and Finish Dates of Project: November 1, 2001 – May 30, 2002
Bebe IvanochkoLiteracy Coordinator
Northlands College
Highway 2 North, P.O. Box 1000
Air Ronge, Sk
Phone (306)–425–4334
Fax (306)–425–3002
Tutor/Facilitator (part–time):
Priscilla Caisse
Besnard Correction Camp
Lawrence Finlayson
Waden Bay Correction Camp
Rita Mc Callum
Buffalo Narrows Jail
Corrections Contact:
Tom McCallum, Director
North East Corrections Facilities (Waden Bay/ Besnard)
Phone (306)–425–4014
Fax (306)–425–3061
North West Corrections (Buffalo Narrows)
Program Objectives:
- To develop a document illustrated by inmates about justice literacy needs of northerners.
- To work toward the development of public awareness of the courts with the inmates through tutoring.
- To assist persons convicted of criminal offences in their effort to re-establish themselves.
- To assist young persons identified as participants in criminal experience in pursuing legitimate lifestyles.
- To give these persons a better chance at defending themselves.
- To give them back self esteem by tutoring and having them develop a booklet of personal artistic abilities.