graphic - logo - Opening Doors to Learning Opening Doors to Learning graphic - logo - Opening Doors to Learning

Project Title: Opening Doors to Learning: A Justice Literacy Project

Start and Finish Dates of Project: November 1, 2001 – May 30, 2002


Bebe IvanochkoLiteracy Coordinator
Northlands College
Highway 2 North, P.O. Box 1000
Air Ronge, Sk
Phone (306)–425–4334
Fax (306)–425–3002

Tutor/Facilitator (part–time):

Priscilla Caisse
Besnard Correction Camp
Lawrence Finlayson

Waden Bay Correction Camp
Rita Mc Callum
Buffalo Narrows Jail

Corrections Contact:

Tom McCallum, Director
North East Corrections Facilities (Waden Bay/ Besnard)
Phone (306)–425–4014
Fax (306)–425–3061

North West Corrections (Buffalo Narrows)

Program Objectives:

  1. To develop a document illustrated by inmates about justice literacy needs of northerners.
  2. To work toward the development of public awareness of the courts with the inmates through tutoring.
  3. To assist persons convicted of criminal offences in their effort to re-establish themselves.
  4. To assist young persons identified as participants in criminal experience in pursuing legitimate lifestyles.
  5. To give these persons a better chance at defending themselves.
  6. To give them back self esteem by tutoring and having them develop a booklet of personal artistic abilities.