Plain Language Research
NWT Literacy Council
December 2003 – March, 2004

Interview Guide

1. Explain purpose of research

Find out what other jurisdictions or agencies have in the way of policies regarding plain language and how they got there. Information from others will inform recommendations about what the GNWT should strive for and how to get there. Research being done for the NWT Literacy Council, a voluntary organization which among others activities, is promoting plain language in the NWT. There is resistance in the GNWT and plain language activities are sporadic, uncoordinated and ad hoc. Council has decided policy needed to see any consistent, long term commitment and resources to plain language.

2. Describe policies or framework in place?

  1. Who does it apply to?
  2. How is it monitored or enforced?
  3. By whom?
  4. Who approved?
  5. When?
  6. What are the elements?
    1. Training?
    2. Ongoing skill development?
    3. Peer review of documents?
    4. Evaluation or performance measures?

3. How did you get there?

  1. When start?
  2. Who were the champions?
  3. What was their interest?
  4. Why did they take on this issue?
  5. What were you trying to achieve?
  6. Describe any resistance and how it was handled?
  7. What were the factors that made progress possible (eg. timing, new staff)
  8. What were the steps taken?
  9. What were the costs in training? Other?
  10. Are there still challenges in implementation? What are they?
  11. Are people clear about what plain language is?

4. What difference has it made to the organization? Benefits?

  1. How do you know?