Women of th e Healing Lodge: Maxine Friesen THE HORSE PROGRAM

Look at the photos in this chapter and write three things that might be true about Maxine Friesen.






Write three things you know about Maxine Friesen from her writing.






Maxine Friesen writes about her learning from the Horse Program, and the many things she learned from Elders.

It seems that Maxine (and many of the writers in Prison Voices) was able to think about her life in different ways during her time at the Healing Lodge, and was ready to learn from her experiences there. Many writers talk about how prison helped them. Maxine lists some very specific events and people who helped her along the way.

What do you think are the most important things she learned? Why?

Sometimes people just aren’t ready yet to learn, or to make changes in their lives. What makes learning easier for you? What makes it more difficult?

To get started, think about all the different kinds of things you’ve learned – from small things (like learning to tie a shoelace or ride a bike) to bigger and more difficult challenges. What made you decide to learn something? Were you forced to learn it? Did you choose to learn it? How or what helped you? How?

Have you been able to teach someone something? Write about that experience – what did you teach? Who were you teaching? How did you feel about it?