Look at the photos in this chapter and write three things that might be true about Mario Auger.
Write three things you know about Mario Auger from his writing.
Telling stories
Mario Auger writes many stories for his children. His story about lies teaches an old lesson about
telling the truth – maybe it’s a variation on the story about the boy who cried wolf. Mario, however,
makes the story his own, by changing details and having animals as the main characters of his story,
instead of people.
Do you have a favorite story – one that you’ve heard many times, one that might be a story you
thought of yourself, or one that you might have read and remembered? Try to write the story in your
own words – for a specific friend, or a child you know or for someone you might be writing to. If you
feel stuck, think of an old story - maybe from the Bible, or a fable or fairy tale you’re familiar with.
Change the details, if you like – or invent a whole new story. Think about the audience (the person
or people you’re writing the story for) as you write. How is a story for a young child different from a
story you might tell to a teenager? To someone much older than you? What would happen if you
told the same story in different ways?