A quality adult literacy program encourages the participation of learners and volunteers in as many different aspects of the program as possible consistent with its philosophy.

a) The following conditions support the above statement. Please check those which apply to your program.

Learners and volunteers (or former learners and volunteers):

___ participate in program planning and review processes;
___ are represented on the program's Board of Directors or Advisory Committee;
___ participate in other committee structures if they exist;
___ are involved in community awareness activities;
___ participate in tutor training events as resource people;
___ help plan and participate in other program activities such as tutor and learner recognition events and publishing.

___ Previous and current learners are recruited as tutors or other program volunteers when applicable.

b) Given your response(s) in (a), circle the number of the following statement which best applies to your program.

  1. Program meets at least six of the above conditions.
  2. Learners and volunteers are involved in at least four or five of the above activities.
  3. Learners or volunteers are involved in at least four or five of the above activities.
  4. Learners and/or volunteers are involved in one to three of the above activities.
  5. Learners and volunteers are not involved in any of the above activities.

c) Given your response in (b), what steps could you realistically expect to accomplish within the next year to improve in this area?





d) What assistance will you require to accomplish the above?



