Asset-rich books that illustrate “positive values” and promise a good read:
Each Living Thing
by Joanne Ryder, illustrated by Ashley Wolff. Harcourt. 2000.
Grandmother Bryant’s Pocket
by Jacqueline Briggs Martin, illustrated by Petra Mathers. Houghton Mifflin. 1996.
The Incredible Journey
by Sheila Burnford. Hodder and Stoughton.1961.
Roses Sing on New Snow: A Delicious Tale
by Paul Yee, illustrated by Harvey Chan. Groundwood Books. 2003.
Stone Soup
retold and illustrated by Jon J. Muth. Scholastic Press. 2003.
The Thumb in the Box
by Ken Roberts, illustrated by Leanne Franson. Groundwood Books. 2002.