“Suki felt her cheeks burn, but she did not respond. Instead, she concentrated on sitting up straight and tall, the way her obachan always did,” writes the author. By the end of this story with its peaceful resolution, readers are as glad as Suki that she triumphs.
Introducing your child to memorable characters like Suki is a way to widen your child’s world. There are friends to be made, a human circle to be expanded. You can make the introductions through the pages of great books. No matter how isolated the place on the map your children call home, they can travel through books across the planet. They can see the world through other eyes and be the wiser for it.
This story plays out against a backdrop of grown-ups who clearly play a role in Suki’s resilient behavior. She gets support from a loving grandmother, an accepting parent, and a teacher who claps at just the right moment, leading the way for others to affirm Suki. Another important way to show such support is to offer the right book at the right time.