Free Writing
Exercises should have a set
time limit, ask the learners to write for five or ten minutes.
The tutor will say something
to the effect of, "when I say, 'Begin,' put your pen on paper, write whatever
comes to mind, and keep going. Keep your pencil moving, always forward, never
look back and never stop to correct anything. Tell your inner critic to get
lost. If you are stuck, write 'I'm stuck,' or anything - even nonsense words -
until a new idea comes. Keep writing whatever comes to mind, and let it take
you wherever it wants to go. I'll let you know when time's up. Any questions?
Now begin."
The tutor will time the
exercise and let the learners know when time expires. This free-writing
technique is a very effective tool often used to stimulate learners who have
difficulty writing. Other avenues to explore include using photographs from
magazines, calendars, and newspapers. Blank cartoon strips are good too.