Bibliography Beaumont, D. and Granger, C.. The Heinemann English Grammar. Oxford, UK: Heinemann International, 1992. Blankenship Cheatham, J., Johnson Colvin, R., Laminack, L.. Tutor: A Collaborative Approach to Literacy Instruction. Literacy Volunteers of America, Follet Publishing Company, 1993. Bolton, D., Oscarson, M., Peterson, L.. Basic Working Grammar. Surrey, UK: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd., 1989. Cairns, R. and Robson, H. Newsable: Adult Basic Literacy Experience. Canada, 1990. Dixson, R.J.. Graded Exercises in English. New York, NY: Regents Publishing Co. Inc., 1983. Humburg. Punctuation, Capitalization and Handwriting for job and personal use. Cincinnati, OH: Southwestern Publishing Co., 1992. Langan, J. and Winstanley, S.. Sentence Skills: A Workbook for Writers. Toronto, ON: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd., 1997 Leech, G.. An A-Z of English Grammar and Usage. London, UK: Edward Arnold Publishing, 1989. Norton, Mary. Journeyworkers: Approaches to Literacy Education with Adults. Alberta Educational Communications Corporation, 1988. Olsher, David. Words in Motion: An Interactive Approach to Writing. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1996. Raimes, Ann. Techniques in Teaching Writing. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1983. Shea, G.. The Write Stuff: Shaping Sentences. Markham, ON: Beaver Books Ltd., 1985. Shoemaker, Connie and Polycarpou, Susan. Write Ideas: A Beginning Writing Text. Boston, Mass.: Heinle and Heinle Publishers, 1993. Strunk Jr., William and White, E. B.. The Elements of Style. New York, NY: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1979. Van Winkle, Harold. Elements of English Grammar: Rules Explained Simply. USA, 1990. Wiesinger, S.. Good Sentences. New York, NY: Educational Design Inc., 1990. |
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