Exercise 2

Look at these sentences. If they are sentences, type correct on your computer. If they are fragments, make them into full sentences and type them onto your computer.

  1. Remembering Invergarry School.

  2. My husband has to sleep in a van to watch over things.

  3. Because we were forced to move.

  4. Frank grinned and showed me his new teeth.

  5. Having a drink on the beach.

Run-on Sentences

Run-on sentences are more than one sentence jammed together. Usually a run-on sentence has two ideas that are related, but they should be in separate sentences. Look at this sentence.

The captain wanted some white fox furs all he had to trade for them was a gun and a coat.

Even though these ideas are related, they are not the same. They have to be joined by a connecting word. To fix this sentence, you need to add a connecting word:

The captain wanted some white fox furs, but all he had to trade for them was a gun and a coat.

Or even better, make them two sentences:

The captain wanted some white fox furs. All he had to trade for them was a gun and a coat.

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