
A message is something written to someone about something. You might write a note to someone you live with, a memo to someone at work or an announcement if you're looking for something or wanting to sell something.

The most important thing to remember about messages is that the person you're writing them for has to understand what you're trying to say. You want to keep a message short, but you also need to have all the necessary information. For a message to do its job, it must explain the four W's:

Who: who is the message written to?

What: what is the message about?

When: time and date (sometimes this isn't necessary)

Where: location (sometimes this isn't necessary)


example message

When writing a message, you don't have to use a full sentence, you can use a phrase to make the message short. However, you should still use capitalization and punctuation marks to make the message easier to understand.

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