1.1 Preface

The Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres (SARC) developed the SARC Literacy Activity Handbook to be a useful resource for people working with adults with intellectual / developmental disabilities. This may be volunteer tutors working one-on-one with learners through mainstream literacy programs, or disability practitioners delivering programs in group homes, rehabilitation centres, sheltered workshops, day programs and so on.

This Handbook is the product of extensive research of the literature, discussion and exchange with literacy experts, practitioners, and some learners, and input from agencies delivering literacy programming.

Whenever possible, the words of learners and experienced practitioners are used in this Handbook.

There are eight sections in the SARC Literacy Activities Handbook. Each section is summarized at its beginning.

This Handbook is produced in a three-ring binder format so that the tabbed sections can be resorted, added to, or removed, as needed.

This Introduction section features information on: