The SARC Literacy Training & Support Project
The Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres, through its completed
SARC Literacy Training & Support Project, planned and held a day-long
Issues Workshop on the topic of literacy for people with intellectual / developmental
disabilities. SARC also developed and delivered a series of six Regional Workshops
to assist tutors / instructors working with this learner population. Finally,
SARC developed this Handbook to complement the SARC Supplementary Tutor
Handbook. This project began in September 2000 and was completed in August
The main project activities were to:
- Increase awareness of the literacy needs of people with intellectual /
developmental disabilities across Saskatchewan;
- Produce a SARC Literacy Activities Handbook;
- Organize and hold an Issues Workshop on literacy issues for people with
intellectual / developmental disabilities, including a preliminary Discussion
Paper and a post-event Summary Report;
- Develop and deliver Regional Workshops on effective teaching strategies
and activities;
- Initiate agency Demonstration Sites, to become experts and consultants
in the use of the SARC Supplementary Tutor Handbook;
- Distribute resource packages to literacy programs throughout Saskatchewan
to assist them in becoming more inclusive;
- Hold a presentation on proposal writing and literacy funding sources at
SARC's 2001 AGM and Conference.