Profile #3

Mary attends the Journey's Literacy Program. Initially it was very difficult to keep Mary focused on what was being taught. She was easily distracted and quite often remarked that she was tired of doing some particular task.

The ACL Literacy Project Support Person met with both Mary and her instructor to talk about her life and interests. It was determined that Mary has a real interest in Rock and Roll music and entertainers, Elvis Presley in particular. It was suggested that this be used as a teaching tool. In keeping with current adult education literacy philosophy, use a knowledge based, student-centred approach to education.

The instructor liaisoned with Mary's group home, following the ACL Literacy Support Person's suggestion and obtained some of Mary's Elvis Presley materials. Mary and her instructor picked out Mary's favourite songs and Mary is now able to read these titles and is making real progress in the reading area.

Another positive result of Mary attending a mainstream literacy program is that she is interacting socially and educationally with other adults. This student works in a sheltered workshop and lives in a group home. The opportunities for her to meet with non-mentally handicapped [people] is quite limited. Mary's instructor commented that one day during class another student brought food in to share with the whole group. The student with a mental handicap participated in this particular event in a completely routine casual manner. This ... does not occur on a regular basis for Mary.

Elvis impersonator

Profile quoted from:
A Proposal to Secretary of State to Establish Literacy Support Services for Individuals Who Live With a Mental Handicap - Phase #2. Winnipeg, MB: Association for Community Living - Manitoba, June 22, 1992, p. 6.