4.7 Other Activities

Activity: Reader’s Theatre

Drama can be a great way to teach literacy skills, especially with a group of learners. When performing Reader’s Theatre scripts, the learners read their parts aloud. Roles are assigned according the skill levels of the performers. Parts with less (and less complex) dialogue can be chosen by less advanced learners. More advanced learners can take on more difficult roles, as well as develop and perform their own scripts.

“Reader’s Theatre is a wonderful way to encourage readers to develop their confidence by reading aloud. They always have the script in front of them. They practice it so much that they know it very well. As the instructor, I am there to help them with difficult words or with their interpretation of the part. Reader’s Theatre enables them to explore how they as the character interpret the part. They rely solely on their voices to do this.”

Debbie Baker
A Plain Language Guide in Reading, Writing and Math. Kentville, NS: Partners in Employment Outreach (Spring 1998), p. 2.5.

A Reader’s Theatre script entitled “Is it Cold Enough for You?” is provided in Section 10. Enough photocopies can be made for each learner/performer.