I am learning how to read. I am in the Literacy Program. I am doing very well in this program. I hope to learn more before this program is over.
I have learned math such as adding, subtraction, multiplying, and dividing. I have learned how to use a calculator. I learn a lot when I use the calculator. It helps me with my numbers. I learn a lot in math.
I concentrate when I am doing my math. I try to block out others when they are talking out loud.
I find writing my name hard, but I take my time in doing it. I like working in my journal because it gives me something to do when I am not doing anything else. I like writing letters of the alphabet. I like writing a story in my journal.
I like sounding out words. Words that the teacher shows us like poison, push, please, Ed, apple, up, down, caution, and closed.
Mervin Lyons
Partners in Employment Outreach Adult Literacy Program (Kentville, NS)