boy with earache

EARACHES - There are times when our ears all of a sudden start aching. It could be because you have a cold or that you have an infection in the ear. If your ears hurt on the inside, your parents will help by putting ear ache medicine in it or using a warm hot water bottle to make it feel better. If it is an ear infection, then a doctor would suggest some antibiotics to help take the infection away. Objects smaller than your little finger (of any kind) should never be placed in your ears as they could harm them.

boy with eczema

ECZEMA - This is a rash on the skin which is itchy and dry feeling. Sometimes when it is scratched a clear watery liquid comes out. Usually this is worse in the winter when our homes are dry. A cream is put on the eczema to help clear it up. The best things to do are to wash or shower regularly and don't scratch it.