Assessment possibilities:
- The learner will go through his portfolio and organize it, then discuss with the tutor
what he has learned about learning disabilities by describing each item in the
- The learner's journal will be integral to having him not only reflect on his thoughts
and feelings, but also practise writing skills.
Learning log
- The learner will keep a log of sight words and also legal jargon learned in plain
- The checklist will record the phonics that the learner masters through language
experience stories.
Self-assessment rating scale
- The learner will use a rating scale to assess his interpersonal skills during the support
group sessions. He will do one assessment after his first week in the group, and then
another after several weeks. He will compare these self-assessments in order to
determine how his interpersonal skills improve over time in the group.
- The learner will use a rubric to rate each of the sentences that he created for his
short speech.