- The manager wants to use the idea of the Compliment Cards to develop a monthly
Merit Certificate for employees. The original certificates will be framed and posted on the
walls of the restaurant, but the employees will also receive paper copies for their
- The members' portfolios will also include the job performance checklists filled out by
- Staff members who are involved in job shadowing will keep detailed notes and
samples of work they do while they are shadowing, as well as the career fairs they
attend and any other public speaking they do.
- Employees who have tutors will keep track of how many tutoring sessions they have, and
will choose samples of their work with tutors to include in their portfolios.
- All employees will keep the lists of simple and more difficult work vocabulary that they
- The manager will keep all of the employees' cash-out forms for the first month after
teaching this skill. The manager will use these forms to review how well everyone has been
cashing out, as well as to analyze what problems employees are still experiencing
with cash-out procedures.
- All staff members will keep work journals in which they write out the procedures or draw
diagrams of new skills they are learning.
(cont'd from previous page)
Numeracy Level 1
Learners will demonstrate knowledge of basic numerical operations.
Learners will understand and use numeracy for practical daily living tasks.
Lifelong Learning
Learners will direct their own learning for personal empowerment and career
Learners will demonstrate critical and creative thinking strategies to solve
problems and make decisions.
Interpersonal Skills
Learners will increase self-knowledge for personal empowerment.
Learners will demonstrate co-operation and teamwork skills for social skills
development and career opportunities. |