Interpersonal Skills Self-Assessment Checklist
Learner states ... True all of the time Sometimes true, with an example of a time I showed this skill Not sure or not true
I know what it means to live a healthy balanced life.
I have a strong sense of self-esteem.
I can talk about my personal achievements to date.
I can name various personal interests.
I know something about my first culture's traditions, beliefs, history, and language.
I know where to find help for personal healing.
I know where to get help to upgrade my parenting, life, and work skills.
I am open to other cultures and lifestyles.
I am open to learning and expressing myself in many different ways (e.g., dance, storytelling, song, artistic expression).
I work to eliminate discrimination and prejudice.
I can encourage and affirm others.
I involve myself in my community.
I know the difference between a safe and an unsafe environment.
I know how to keep safe in different situations.
I can offer and ask for support.
I share ideas with others.
I share feelings with others.
I listen respectfully to others' ideas and feelings.
I am dependable.
I am honest.