B usually a consistent sound (bat, bell)
can be silent in words such as comb, subtle, thumb
C can have a hard "k" sound when followed by an "o" or an "a" (cat)
can also be a soft "s" sound when followed by an "e", "i," or "y" (face, circle, fancy)
D a consistent sound (dog, dirt)
F a consistent sound (fun, favourite)
G can have a hard sound (go, get)
can also have a soft "j" sound when followed by an "e," "i," or "y" (orange, region, gym)
there are exceptions to this rule (girl)
can be silent when followed by an "n" (sign)
H can be a consistent sound (home, hockey)
can be silent (honest)
J a consistent sound (January, junk, Jennifer)
K a consistent sound (kite)
can be silent when paired with an "n" (knife)
L a consistent sound (look, lucky, lake)
often blends with other consonants (blend, clear, talk)
can also be silent (half)
changes the vowel sound when it follows a vowel (cold, belt)
M a consistent sound (moon, mighty)
N a consistent sound (nine, nice) can also be silent (autumn, hymn)
P a consistent sound (puppy, pen)
can be silent (psalm, receipt)
can sound like an "f" when combined with an "h" (photograph)
Q is almost always paired with a "u" (queen)
may sound like a "k" when the "u" is silent (liquor)
R a consistent sound (run, rack)
often forms blends with other letters (tree, break, proud)
changes the vowel sound when it follows a vowel (far, stir)
S a consistent sound (snake, sand)
can also sound like a "z" at the end of a word (wears, cars, dogs)
can be silent (island)
T a consistent sound (telephone)
can be silent (depot, castle)
can sound like "sh" in other letter combinations (-tion, -tious)
V a consistent sound (vitamin, vine)
W a consistent sound (woman, worn, watermelon)
can be silent (sword, who)
almost always silent when paired as "wr" (write, wrong)
X makes a "ks" sound at the end or in the middle of a word (tax, exit)
makes a "z" sound at the beginning of a word (xylophone, Xerox)
Y is usually a consonant at the beginning of a word (yellow, yo-yo)
may sound like a long "e" at the end of a multi-syllabic word (baby, daisy)
Z a consistent sound (zoo, zebra)