- Taylor-Hough, D. (n.d.). The simple mom. Simplemom.com [Personal web site]. Retrieved
September 10, 2006, from http://simplemom.com
This website focuses on parenting and family life. It contains articles on money,
cooking, family fun and activities, health, single-income living, budgeting,
homemaking, and contentment.
- Terry, M. (2002). Translating learning style theory into developmental education practice: An
Article Based on Gregorc's Cognitive Learning Styles. Journal of College Reading and
Learning, 32(2), 154-176. Available from Saskatchewan Literacy Network,
This article explains Anthony Gregory's cognitive learning style constructs, translates his
learning style vocabulary matrix into easy-to-use situational examples, and then applies them
to the following developmental education teaching practices: instructor-led lesson
presentations, learner group discussions and projects, independent assignments, and testing