Literacy Benchmarks offer guided direction for knowledge and skills development by adults who are actively pursuing personal and learning goals in a variety of program settings.
Community-based organizations, Institution-based programs, tutorial programs, workplace training, justice literacy, family literacy, etc...
One-to-one or group instruction, project work, panel discussions, role playing, guest speakers, etc...
cultural identify, learning style, ESL/ESD, oral competence in Aboriginal language or heritage language, language-based learning disability, etc...
Single parent, pre-school children, divorced, married, elderly parents, etc...
School volunteer, church choir, dance troupe, craft class, drummer, probation restrictions, etc...
Entry-level jobs, community service, volunteer work, part-time or casual work, summer projects, etc...
Knowledge cannot simply be transferred or trained. Learning occurs when it is self-determined and situated in real-life situations.
Learners are asked to perform real-life tasks. A portfolio is used to demonstrate a learner's progress of meaningful applications of acquired knowledge and skills.