Observing & Viewing
Level 1
Viewing is receiving a prepared message through an audio-visual (e.g., television, film,
video) or print (e.g., newspaper, book, photograph) medium.
Observing is an active process of watching to learn, to do, and to understand.
Benchmark: Observe and view actively.
Suggestions for Portfolio Development
- journal entry on how individuals have demonstrated appropriate viewing behaviours
- videotape of a class discussion on the message of a movie
- brainstorming on what is already known about a topic before observing
- journal entry on what was communicated by a speaker in terms of body
language and gesture
Learning Outcome #1
Learners will view for practical purposes and social skills development.
Knowledge and skills set:
- Discuss and identify purposes for viewing.
- Identify the message (what is being communicated) of a variety of visual formats.
- Identify the audience to whom a message is directed.
- Describe different visual formats (e.g., cartoons, billboards, posters, television
advertisements, films, videos, brochures, illustrations).
- Apply what you already know to help in viewing and understanding.
- Demonstrate appropriate viewing behaviours. [See instruction tip #1.]
- View for pleasure (e.g., movies, art exhibits, television).
- Demonstrate skills learned and knowledge gained through viewing (e.g., through
singing, poetry, and mime, or showing someone else how to do the skill).