Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Hold a meeting to create a safety plan for getting everyone out of your house in case of a fire. Have each person repeat the plan aloud, in order to make sure that everyone is prepared. Participate in a talking circle. Listen carefully to others. Later, reflect on your own participation. Offer to introduce a new co-worker to others at your place of employment.

Learning Outcome #3

Learners will share or present information in familiar situations in order to practise public discussion.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Tell children about an important Aboriginal tradition (e.g., medicine wheel, sweat lodge, sweet grass). Teach them the vocabulary that is used to explain these traditions. Visit your child's teacher during parent-teacher day. Talk about the activities that your child does outside of school, in order to help that teacher get to know your child better. Discuss a personal interest during a coffee break with co-workers (e.g., a hobby or your favourite way to exercise). Explain why this activity interests you, and invite others to share their personal interests.