Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Write down the message that a child dictates for a note to a friend or family member. Fill out a registration form to get a local library card. Complete an application form for a job for which you are qualified.

Learning Outcome #5

Learners will write sentences and a short paragraph for self-expression.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Together with other people who live in your home, write acrostic poems based on each of your first names. Make a poster for a local bulletin board (e.g., at a store or band office), advertising something you wish to sell or give away. Host a potluck lunch to celebrate a special occasion at work. Post a sign-up sheet with food categories for everyone's contributions.

Tips for Instruction

  1. Print all letters of the alphabet in upper and lower cases, and all numbers in symbols and words (e.g., A, c, 7, seven, seventh).
  2. Use spelling strategies to construct words.
  3. Check spelling by reading slowly backwards from the end of the piece of writing to the beginning. Sometimes the eye skips over words or groups of words without noticing errors. Reading backwards will keep the eye from skipping over words and will help you to catch more errors.
  4. Example of a simple sentence: The woman went across the street.
  5. Example of a compound sentence: It rained all morning, but it cleared up for the picnic.
  6. Example of an imperative or commanding sentence: Open the window.
  7. Example of a declarative or telling sentence: Jim laughed.
  8. Example of an interrogative or asking sentence: Why are you cold?
  9. Example of an exclamatory sentence: That's great!