Learning Outcome #2

Learners will speak in conversation, discussion, or small groups in new situations for enjoyment and practical purposes.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Use different voices for characters when telling a legend or myth to your children and their friends. Join a committee's discussion to plan a community event (e.g., potluck or pow-wow). Practise giving positive comments on what others say during the meeting. Offer to give an orientation to someone new at your workplace. Explain to that person how to complete a task.

Learning Outcome #3

Learners will share or present information in new situations in order to encourage public discussion.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Teach children some traditional poetry and songs from your culture. Get permission to learn a song or say a prayer that represents your community's culture. Share it with others as you have been taught. Bring pictures of a vacation to share with your co-workers during a coffee break. Answer their questions about the photos and what you did while you were away.