Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Follow the instructions when assembling a household item (e.g., bookcase, coffee table, crib). Read an interpretive sign in a park or museum. Identify the main ideas it expresses. (For example, read the signs set up in various places at Wanuskewin near Saskatoon.) Use a highlighter to mark the key words in your copy of an employee handbook or set of union regulations. Compare your key words with a co-worker's choices.

Learning Outcome #3

Learners will demonstrate knowledge of the elements of fiction to improve critical thinking skills and for public discussion.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Help a teenager with a homework reading assignment. Help him/her to understand the difference between the author and the narrator. Discuss with your neighbour a television program that both of you viewed. Compare your impressions of the storyline. Would either of you have chosen a different ending? Discuss with your co-worker a movie that you both saw. Compare your assessments of the story line. Did you like the same of different parts? Why?