Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Double or triple the ingredients for a recipe when cooking for a larger crowd. Read a gas or water meter. Obtain your workplace's daily sales figures for a week. Then put these figures in order from highest to lowest. During which day of the week did your employer make the most profit? During which day did your employer make the least profit?

Learning Outcome #2

Learners will demonstrate knowledge of basic numerical operations.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Keep track of your baby's weight every month from birth to age 2. During which month did this child gain the most weight? When thinking of your future career, do some research in the community to discover the hourly wage for a journey person in a trade (e.g., electrician, plumber, mechanic). Calculate how much more a journey-person makes than an apprentice. How much more would this be per day? per week? per month? Check the room temperature at the start and close of each shift for a week. Use a calculator to determine the average temperature for each day that you worked.