Suggested Resources
- Advanced Education and Employment, Government of Saskatchewan. (2006). Adult basic
education level three mathematics curriculum guide. Draft version. Regina, SK: Author.
Retrieved September 30, 2006,
- ARIS, Language Australia. (2001, January). Certificates in General Education for Adults.
Available from Australian Government, Department of Education, Science, and
- Western and Northern Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Education. (n.d.). Mathematics.
Canada: Author. Available from WNCP,
- Fownes, L., Thompson, E., & Evetts, J. (Eds.). (2002). Numeracy at work. Burnaby, BC: BC
Construction Industry Skills Improvement Council.
- Adult Learning and Literacy. (2000). Numeracy for adult literacy learners. Winnipeg, MB:
Manitoba Education and Training.
- Johansson, L., Angst, K., Beer, B., Martin, S., Rebeck, W. & Sibilleau, N. (2000). Canadian
language benchmarks 2000: ESL for literacy learners. Ottawa, ON: Centre for Canadian
Language Benchmarks. Retrieved August 4, 2006, from
- Literacy Ontario. (1998). Working with learning outcomes: Validation draft. Toronto, ON: Author.
- Northwest Territories Education, Culture, and Employment. (2000). Adult literacy and basic
education curricula. Yellowknife, NT: Author.
- Saskatchewan Literacy Network. (2001). Saskatchewan level 2 numeracy kit. Regina, SK: Author.
Available from Author,
Note: The "Level 2" of Saskatchewan Literacy Network's Level 2 Numeracy Kit refers to
the level of training for practitioners. It does not represent or refer to Level 2 Benchmarks.
- Saskatchewan Literacy Network. (2003). Summary of focus groups: Developing level 1 and 2 literacy
benchmarks in Saskatchewan, phase 1. Regina, SK: Author. Available from Author,
- Tout, D., & Schmitt, M. J. (2002). The inclusion of numeracy in adult basic education.
Annual Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, 3, 152-202.
- Withnall, A. (1995). Older adults' needs and usage of numerical skills in everyday life.
Department of Continuing Education, Lancaster University, England. (ERIC
Document Reproduction Service No. ED 383 879)