Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Identify the learning strategies that you have taught your children in the past. Which of these strategies would work for you as an adult on your own learning path? Find out what volunteer opportunities there are in your community where you can teach others the skills you have mastered. Let your supervisor and co-workers know what learning style and learning strategies you prefer as future training is planned.

Learning Outcome #2

Learners will direct their own learning for personal empowerment and career development.

Knowledge and skills set:
Examples of applying this learning outcome outside the learning environment:
Family Community Work
Discuss your learning and career goals with other members of your household. Go to the nearest employment centre and ask for job descriptions for the careers you are thinking of working towards. Ask your supervisor to give you photocopies of past performance appraisals, so that you can add them to your work portfolio.

Learning Outcome #3

Learners will demonstrate critical and creative thinking strategies to solve problems and make decisions.

Knowledge and skills set: