July 16: Edward P. Morris becomes prime minister. Because of the war, there is a coalition government (a government of all the parties). Morris resigns in December. An electric generator opens in Port Union.


January: William F. Lloyd replaces Morris as prime minister. There is still a coalition government.


February: The SS Florizel runs aground at Cappahayden. Only 44 of the 138 people on the ship survive.


Summer: Miss Rogers, a public health nurse from New York city, comes to St. John's for the summer. She is the first public health nurse to work in Newfoundland.


November: World War I ends.


June: Alcock and Brown leave Newfoundland to make the first successful flight across the Atlantic.


November: 24th general election. Richard Squires becomes prime minister.


The first community nurses are sent to Newfoundland outports.


The first formal teacher training is introduced.


May: St. Clare's Mercy Hospital opens in St. John's


April: All women 25 years or older win the right to vote after a 25 year struggle.


May: 25th general election. William R. Warren becomes Prime Minister.


There is a gold rush at Stag Bay, Labrador.


The Grace Maternity Hospital opens in St. John's with 22 beds. Later it becomes the Grace General Hospital.